Seeking genuine love, I set off following a Beam of Light. That one Hovering Afar, Behind a shield plunked in the sight; Yet not seeking to hide. The Road is kind of dim, but the vision is clear, The beam of light, is also apparent. I come close, then retreat, Then again closer, To find us.. still apart. This road is not as heaving, As others seemingly trodden. Could my quest be not that worthy of chasing? May be it’s the others’ souls unconsciously decaying. Or have they once pursued it, but found it not appreciably rewarding? I get closer Find the light more at reach But the closer I get the more I find myself in need. And I ponder over the source of love, Is it high above or here at hand? Humans practice love on earth; They need Love on earth, And seek love on earth. But was it ever said that … The source has ever been here on earth? I lived and still live through the journey, where I saw the light glowingly That is the light of the Almighty Where warmness finally strokes me… Unquestionably Endowed by those who entreat, Love is sent to earth. Denied to those who retreat, Love is ever lacking on earth. As ever… love remains sought out. But yet again I wonder, Why is the road to Your love the least trodden? Of all roads seeking salvation, and despite the need of it, The source of all loves, the purest of all loves- Why is it the road less traveled?   By: Maha Youssuf