Well in this particular case of “rizk”, or wealth, provided to humankind with varying amounts and types, humankind efforts to acquire whatever they can get is not actually the source of their wealth, even if they are required to work hard and seek out for God-given bounties taking the form of monthly wages or whatever. Rizk, while is seemingly tangible, is not in its essence.
There’s a lot of logic in people’s constant concern about availing the least possible needs of their household, at the end of the day every man is required to provide for his own family, and sometimes a woman is or may be a single mother. But what contradicts a genuine Muslim faith is being overly concerned about the matter, mistakenly believing that your work is the original source of your wealth of “rizk”, which renders you a rizkophobe who views his own life as a source of annoyance and duties as a daunting task that’s not befitting his limited capacity.
Too much of anything is not good, is it?
Well in this particular case of “rizk”, or wealth provided to humankind with varying amounts and types, humankind efforts to acquire whatever they can get is not actually the source of their wealth, even if they are required to work hard and seek out for God-given bounties taking the form of monthly wages or whatever. Rizk, while is seemingly tangible, is not in its essence. For it takes so many forms- over and above you are not the actual supporter of your wealth, even if it seemed the opposite. You work and pursue rizk, but you’re only provided it when Allah wills and sometimes through channels that you might have never actually sought.
And that’s why people should worry their minds with availing the worldly reason for the wealth and doing their homework of providing for their needs and the needs of those whom they’re responsible for, but shouldn’t really worry about the outcome, for it’s not in their capacity- such matter lies solely in the Hands of the Foremost Supporter and Creator of the Universe, Allah (SWT). He is The One Who’ve created you and He’s The One capable of providing for your needs.
And below is an outright promise in Allah’s Divine Words:
“And in the heaven is your provision and whatever you are promised.”—Quran 51:22
However, this shouldn’t be taken as an encouragement to lay back and keep lazy.
Confusion takes place when people try to evaluate intangible matters using tangible measurements, that’s to say to count your rizk in terms of financial gains and losses, not in terms of blessings, which is what should count.
It happens that sometimes people earn a good sum of money, which at first they think its part of their rizk, but it’s not long before they spend it on medication or may be repairing their car following some accident. And I guess you’ve seen this happening before. And vice versa.
Sometimes people don’t receive actual some of money, but their rizk takes the form of being saved the pain and the expenses of addressing some unexpected turmoil.
In the end, your interpretation of “rizk” is not necessarily accurate, as a matter of fact, usually it’s not. So save yourself the headache of continuous calculations and worry, for you shall not bring forward what’s not predestined for you. Similarly, your share of rizk is inevitable and has already been destined for you, and you shall not leave this world before fully receiving it.
As a matter of fact, worrying too much about rizk renders people not only phobic but invariably less capable of achieving what’s needed to attain their pursued needs and lofty goals in life, and they blame “destiny” and lack of luck for it.
Do your homework of thinking and pursuing what’s lawfully needed for a dignified life- even set high hopes and pursue them as long as they’re legitimate and do not violate any God ordained principles- but do not bombard your mind’s limited capacity with too much worrying over rizk, or when, where or how will it reach you- There’s an All-Wise God watching over and He knows best what you need and when such need is to be fulfilled.
Put your trust and fath in God and you’ll see wonders.
Cast away any doubts relating to that, and you’ll get out of difficulties triumphant, much wiser, and surely more faithful.
That’s my recipe for you to end your rizkophobia…
By: Maha Youssuf
Posted on: July 26, 2011